Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The "WOW" factor of GNLD core products.

Our core products are aimed at getting your cells healthy and feeding them with key nutrients.

The first core product is Pro Vitality with Fromula IV Plus, which provides daily whole food nutrition.  Each convenient packet contains nutrients from whole grains, fruits and vegetables, salmon and vitamins and minerals. 

The second core product is our GR2 Meal Replacement Protein Shake.  Unlike other protein shake formulas, it provides ALL 22 amino acids involved in human nutrition.  It is clinically tested and proven to control glycemic response, which helps to minimize fat storage and increase the amount of fat the body burns.  It has 18 grams of protein per serving, can be used to lose, gain, or maintain weight, and has 25 vitamins and minerals.

The third core product is Tre', a liquid nutritional essence that harnesses the power of pomegranate, acai berry, and green tea to promote good health. 
Unlike ordinary juice, this powerful nutritional essence provides you with 20 times the punicalagins of fresh pomegranate juice, 5-10 times the resveratrol of fine red wine, 7 times the antioxidant power of  ripe red tomatoes, and 6 times the alpha-lipoic acid of fresh spinach.

Our core products are essential to creating a foundation for health and wellness.